What You Must Know Before Getting Your Car Vinyl Wrapped

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Everyone enjoys the sense of arriving on the scene in a gleaming, brand-new vehicle. A fresh coat of paint may have the same effect, giving that old and reliable automobile a new look and a new lease of life. Are there, however, better alternatives? Many individuals are using the popular method of vinyl car wrapping, and they would recommend it without hesitation. Car wrapping, which is less expensive than buying a new car and more adaptable than paint, maybe the way to go. So, what should a buyer be aware of? Let us investigate.


Vinyl car wrapping costs around the same as a fresh paint job, depending on the desired alterations and whether it's a detailed or comprehensive wrap. So it all relies on the customer's requirements. A full job won't be less than $2000, but neither will a premium paint job. If a consumer is unwilling to pay for quality, there are lesser possibilities for paint, but in that case, the driver must accept whatever is paid for. Wrapping doesn't have to be expensive if you're attentive.


Like a paint job, a good vinyl wrap will last a long, long time. The vinyl is strong and won't fade or peel, so it's tough to beat in this regard. If a client wants a wrap for their car but also intends on selling it in the future, this is a point worth considering. Car wraps should be hand washed at least once a week with a cleaning agent designed particularly for vinyl wraps. Putting your wrapped car through an automated wash might permanently damage the wrap work.


Vinyl car wrapping is also more flexible when it comes to design and style. This is why people like it so much; it allows them to create the exact look they want with a few tweaks. It's not just a matter of what color but of shape, thickness, and style. It's a big step up from the paint job, and the possibilities are practically endless.

Marketing Opportunities

The other big point in favor of vinyl car wraps is the opportunity to advertise, whether it be a business or an event. While a fresh paint job can advertise a business, it can't really do anything about an event. There's only so much room for the owners to convey their message through a car's paint job. On the other hand, a vehicle wrapped in vinyl is a blank canvas. The entire vehicle can be used as a billboard to advertise whatever the driver chooses. For example, if a business is looking to advertise their brand and something they sell, they could wrap their car in the same markings that they use on their products. For an event, a vehicle can be wrapped in motifs associated with the event itself.

Looks Just Like Paint

The best thing about vinyl car wraps is that, for the most part, they look just like paint. There are some differences, but most people won't be able to tell the difference. While this may seem like a disadvantage, it's not.

Vinyl wrapping, unlike paint, has a significantly longer lifespan. If you become tired of one color scheme, you may try a different one. Vehicle wrapping is an innovative method to keep your vehicle looking fabulous all year.

Easy to Remove

Should the time come to remove a vinyl wrap, it's easy enough to do. For example, if your business has a new logo and you want to change it, it is simply a matter of peeling the old vinyl work off and applying the new. Again, it's a big step up from having a paint job done, as it can be pretty expensive to undo a paint job for a new campaign.


Vinyl car wrapping is a popular choice for many car owners. It's less expensive and easier to maintain than a fresh paint job, and it can be easily removed if needs be. It may not last as long, but it will never lose its appeal, especially if it's done right. The choice is up to the individual, but if you want an investment in your car, and one that will last, a vinyl wrap may be the way to go.

Get a unique look for your car and protect it against scratches, fading, dings, and chips on your vehicle. You can also add to the resale value of your car by protecting the initial condition of your vehicle. Choose Cen Cal Tinting and get the best commercial vinyl wrap for your car!

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